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Luftaufnahme von Bayreuth. Copyright: Stefan Dörfler

Accommodation in Bayreuth and Kulmbach

Looking for suitable accommodation for your studies in Bayreuth or Kulmbach? We understand that finding accommodations can often be a challenge. That’s why we would like to provide you with some valuable information and useful links. Here on our website you will find an extensive collection of links to various portals and websites with a wide range of accommodation options that are specifically tailored to the needs of students.

Rental offers on the free housing market
The free housing market in Bayreuth, Kulmbach and the surrounding region offers a variety of options for students looking for suitable accommodations. Private landlords often offer one- or two-room apartments and shared apartments.

Housing cooperatives and social housing projects
Housing cooperatives in the region also provide housing that is suitable for students. Cooperative housing often offers a cost-effective alternative to the free housing market.

Student residences a popular option
Student residences are in high demand in Bayreuth and Kulmbach and often offer an affordable housing option close to campus. The residences are specially tailored to the needs of students and often offer communal areas, study rooms and events that enrich student life and promote networking.

Shared flats (WG) for those who appreciate company
Many students prefer to live in a shared flat (WG) to share the costs and be in company at the same time. A room in a shared flat can be both inexpensive and offer the opportunity to make new friends and spend your study time in a pleasant environment. Living in a shared flat is a popular choice in Bayreuth and Kulmbach and allows you to become part of a community.

Whether you're looking for a single room, an apartment or a room in a shared flat - you're sure to find what you're looking for with our collection of links.

Housing market

Housing societies
