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The advantages of learning German

Learning German during your studies in Germany brings you many advantages and not only opens up academic opportunities, but also facilitates integration, broadens your career prospects, and makes your everyday life much easier. 

Green circle with green tick

Integration and cultural understanding

Learning German opens doors to German culture, society, and employment. It facilitates integration as you can communicate better with locals and immerse yourself more deeply in social life. A better understanding of the language will also improve your understanding of cultural nuances and traditions. 

Green circle with green tick

Academic advantages

A sound knowledge of the language opens up a wider range of study options. Furthermore, mastering the German language gives you direct access to subject-specific texts, scholarly articles, and resources written in German, which will significantly expand your comprehension skills and research opportunities. 

Green circle with green tick

Career opportunities

Good German language skills are a great advantage on the German job market. Many employers in Germany appreciate it when international students can speak German in addition to their professional qualifications. This increases their job prospects and opens up a wide range of career opportunities not only in Germany, but also in other German-speaking countries and global companies. 

Green circle with green tick

Communicating in day-to-day life

German is often used as the primary language in everyday life in Germany. Whether you are communicating with the administrators, shopping in the supermarket, visiting the doctor, or socializing with friends, a strong command of German will make things much easier. 

Is a language course necessary?

In Bayreuth, you will be able to attend German courses at the University of Bayreuth. There are no additional fees for enrolled students. Students can also opt to learn German at the Institute for International Communication and Foreign Cultural Work (“IIK” – course fees apply).